To the Clerk and voters of Warsaw Township

In the County of Goodhue, State of Minnesota.

Notice is Hereby Given, that pursuant to Minnesota Statute 207A.11, a Presidential Nomination Primary Election will be held in the Election Precinct at:

Warsaw Town Hall
3040 County 9 Blvd.
Dennison MN  55018

on Tuesday, the Fifth (5th) day of March, 2024, at which the polls will be open from the hours of Seven (7) o’clock AM to the hour of Eight (8) o’clock PM for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following offices which are to be voted for at the General Election to be held on Tuesday, the Fifth (5th) day of November, 2024, to-wit:

One President

Presidential nomination primary voters must be registered to vote pursuant to Minnesota Statute 201.054, subd. 1.

Nomination primary voters must also request the ballot of the major political party for whose candidate the individual wishes to vote. Polling place election judges must record in the polling place roster the name of the major political party whose ballot the voter requested. The county auditor must include the name of the major political party whose ballot the voter requested with the voting history of the nomination primary election.

The major political party ballot selected by a nomination primary voter is private data, except that it will be shared with the chairs of the major political parties in the State of Minnesota.                                                                                                                                           Goodhue County Auditor

Dated 2/16/24
Goodhue County Minnesota