2024 Township Election Results

The Township election was held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024.  One three year term for Supervisor was on the ballot.  There were a total of 104 voters that resulted in  Emery Maher being re-elected for another three year term. Emery Maher – 95 Cynthia Bennett...


To the Clerk and voters of Warsaw Township In the County of Goodhue, State of Minnesota. Notice is Hereby Given, that pursuant to Minnesota Statute 207A.11, a Presidential Nomination Primary Election will be held in the Election Precinct at: Warsaw Town Hall 3040...

Notice of filing for Town Offices to be Elected

Notice is hereby given that a town election will be held in the Township of Warsaw, Goodhue County, Minnesota, on Tuesday, the 12th day of March, 2024. The first day for filing affidavits of candidacy will be Wednesday, the 3rd day of January, 2024. The last day will...