Planning commission

The Warsaw Township Planning Commission is a volunteer group of township residents that considers land development, along with ordinance and zoning issues. Among other duties, it evaluates applications for land development, Conditional Use Permits, zoning changes and petitions for zoning variances, and conducts Public Hearings related to these applications. It then makes recommendations to the Town Board.


Planning Commission members are appointed for a term of 3 years and until a successor is appointed and qualifies. Terms expire on June 30th. The terms of Commission members are staggered to minimize the number of Commission positions expiring in the same year.

The Planning Commission meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm at the Warsaw Township Hall when needed.


Current Planning Commission Members:

Larry Enfield, Chair
Tim Black
John Beck
Jon Huseth
Nick Haugen

Warsaw Township

3040 County 9 Blvd.

Dennison, MN 55018
